Last January the CVI team, composed by Sandra Millet, Lluïsa Pla, Josep Sanmartí and Mercè Bassas, they traveled to Santiago de Chile, in the collaboration framework established between the Barcelona Provincial Council, the Commune of Bridge Alto and our organization for the project ” La transferència del coneixement del Programa d’Adaptació Funcional a la Llar”.

The team visited the Rehabilitation Center in Teletón and the centers of Hippotherapy and dog therapy aimed at people with disabilities. They also visited the rehabilitation centers of St. Faustina and Laurita Vicuña, both aimed at the elderly. The technical managers of the Commune asked our team to inspect the accessibility of the municipal spa of Pueblito de Vizcachas.

Due to the CVI visit in Chile, the Commune organized a conference for professionals in the health and social field to discuss universal access. Sandra Millet and Lluïsa Pla presented a paper about the work carried out by our organization in the fields of accessibility, support products and technology applied to the person’s needs.

The team made several welfare visits to elders and disabled people to assess the person about the different adaptations their home could have, fitting the needs of the person.

The last day, Mr. Mayor of the Commune, German Codina invited us to lunch at the Centre de Ntra. Sra. De Gabriela.

We sincerely thank Mr. Mayor, the professionals in Puente Alto and Mr. Josep Lifante their dedication to the project and the attention they gave to the team.


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