The EKAURI teleassistance system consists of a set of sensors: presence-lighting-temperature sensors (that is, TSP01 Z-Wave PIR), to identify the room where the user is and the movement of one room to another (one sensor for each room); and a sensor of presence of temperature lighting door (that is, TSM02 Z-Wave PIR), to detect when the user enters / leaves the premises. All sensors are wireless wave z and passive infrared. They send the data retrieved to a gateway (based on Raspberry-pi) that collects data retrieved and safely redirects them to the cloud to store, process, extract and analyze for a smart system.

Therapists and caregivers receive notifications, abstracts, statistics, and general information pertaining to users monitored through a web application.

From a microscopic point of view, the system is able to recognize whether the user is home or away, and if he / she is alone. He is also able to detect the following events: Starting out; return home; receive the visit; remaining only after a visit; go to the bathroom; go to sleep; and wake up from your dream. From a macroscopic point of view, therapists and caregivers become aware of habits and can detect unusual situations.


The system has been installed in Barcelona in 13 houses of the elderly. To test the system, we asked supervised users about the daily response to a questionnaire composed of 20 questions (12 optional). In addition, every day he received a telephone call from a caregiver who manually verified the collected data. This information has been used as the basis of reference to evaluate the performance of the system. the results showed that the system is able to recognize if the user is at home with 98% accuracy, and if he / she is alone with 68% accuracy.

All the events detected have been shown in Web applications and reviewed by therapists and caregivers and, in some cases, by relatives. Their comments have been used to improve the interface and add functionality.